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Roxanne St. Claire books

Roxanne St. Claire
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Read Books by Roxanne St. Claire


Témoin en détresse (2013)

This book had suspense, some action (shoot 'em up at the restaurant and a car chase that ended with the beautiful car down in the river), lust & sex. There are a few flaws. There was a love scene that should not have been written in. Then, on page 337, JP, Marc, and Zack were going to follow D...

Témoin en détresse (2013) by Roxanne St. Claire

Die zweite Chance (2012)

Nachdem ich nach der kurzen Vorgeschichte "Schicksalhafte Begegnung" ja absolut neugierig auf dieses Buch war bin ich doch froh es direkt gelesen zu haben. Natürlich habe ich vorher noch meine Euphorie etwas zurückgeschraubt damit ich nicht nachher enttäuscht bin, weil ich mehr erwartet hätte und...

Die zweite Chance (2012) by Roxanne St. Claire

Guardian Angelinos: Die zweite Chance (2012)

Que livro fantástico, um autêntico livro de suspense romântico!Adorei este livro, desde o momento em que o comecei a ler não consegui parar e quando não estava a ler encontrava-me constante a pensar no mesmo. Os protagonistas são incríveis, principalmente o Zach, que pensa por não ter uma aparênc...

Guardian Angelinos: Die zweite Chance (2012) by Roxanne St. Claire

Barfuß ins Glück (2014)

This is a quick read that seemed more like a chick lit than anything else. I really liked the story and would like to read more of her books. I did think the ending was a bit rushed though. The story seemed to have a steady pace, and then bam it has to end.Clay Walker is dreamy and has a southern...

Barfuß ins Glück (2014) by Roxanne St. Claire

Pieds nus dans le sable (2014)

Kurzer Einblick:Als ein Hurrikan Lacey Amstrongs Hab und Gut dem Erdboden gleich machte, steht sie quasi vor dem Nichts. Ihre Existenz hat sich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes in Luft aufgelöst, dennoch ist sie erleichtert, dass sie sich mit ihrer 14-Jährigen Tochter Ashton schutz-suchend in einer B...

Pieds nus dans le sable (2014) by Roxanne St. Claire

Jeux de rôles (2014)

I really loved Roxanne St. Claire's previous series so I went into this one with some trepidation. However, it is even stronger and "Face of Danger," the third in the series is the best so far. Throughout the other two books of the Guardian Angelinos series we learn pieces of Vivi's past and how ...

Jeux de rôles (2014) by Roxanne St. Claire

Bullet Catcher: Jack (2008)

Der ehemalige Bullet Catcher Jack Culver arbeitet als Privatermittler an einem brisanten Fall. Vor dreißig Jahren wurde eine Frau wegen Mordes angeklagt und verurteilt, obwohl sie unschuldig war. Nun glaubt Jack, den wahren Mörder gefunden zu haben. Aber um ihn überführen zu können, braucht er di...

Bullet Catcher: Jack (2008) by Roxanne St. Claire

Sous les masques (2013)

Zum Buch:Der ehemalige FBI-Agent Marc Rossi kann nach dem Scheitern seiner Ehe einen Tapetenwechsel ganz gut gebrauchen. Ein Auftrag der Guardian Angelinos kommt ihm daher gerade recht: Marc soll nach Nordirland reisen und Devyn Sterling, die uneheliche Tochter eines berüchtigten Mafiabosses, in ...

Sous les masques (2013) by Roxanne St. Claire

Shiver of Fear (2011)

Un cran au dessous du premier ...En tout premier lieu je voudrais prévenir les futures lectrices de ne pas lire ce second tome de la dérive des anges gardiens si vous n'avez pas lu le tome précédent (témoin en détresse). En effet ce second opus d'une part a pour héros un couple Marc Rossi et Devy...

Shiver of Fear (2011) by Roxanne St. Claire

Dan (2013)

HUNT HER DOWN - BULLET CATCHER #7 - (Dan and Maggie)SOME VENDETTAS ARE HARD TO FORGET.Fourteen years ago, undercover FBI agent Dan Gallagher watched his lover, Maggie Varcek, flee into the Miami night as gunfire exploded around them. Now a Bullet Catcher, Dan has learned that drug lord Ramon Jime...

Dan (2013) by Roxanne St. Claire

Barfuß durch den Regen (2000)

Roxanne St. Claire’s story of Jocelyn Bloom & Will Palmer, the 2nd of the Barefoot Bay Series, is an emotionally intense account of how childhood affects the choices you make as an adult. Jocelyn Bloom has built a wall around her heart. She seeks safety & security while aching for love. She dis...

Barfuß durch den Regen (2000) by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot in the Rain (2012)

Review for Barefoot in the Rain I was a lucky winner of a free copy of Barefoot in the Rain by Roxanne St. Claire. I am an avid reader of romance books and just books in general so I am pretty willing to try and read anything as long as it grabs my attention from the excerpt on the back of the bo...

Barefoot in the Rain (2012) by Roxanne St. Claire

Nichts als Sonne, Strand und Liebe (2014)

Bland book about 30 yr olds who went in completely different directions in life after high school. The geek becomes a billionaire and the homecoming queen becomes a maid, still living in town. He never quite got over his high school crush and does everything he can to win her affections, but sh...

Nichts als Sonne, Strand und Liebe (2014) by Roxanne St. Claire

Secrets on the Sand (2013)

This was a cute read. Not a lot of depth to the story, but the characters were likable enough. This is the story of, Mandy, a rich, popular girl in high school whose life took a different turn in adulthood and now she is a maid. The typical geek, Zeke, who is all grown up to be insanely rich a...

Secrets on the Sand (2013) by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot in the Sun (2013)

This is a very interesting storyline. The female character isn't who she says she is and her 'aunt' isn't her aunt. There's also a man she left even though he loved her (and there's extenuating circumstances to the relationship). Now in the Florida Keys with her college roommates she's worried ab...

Barefoot in the Sun (2013) by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot by the Sea (2013)

I really wanted to like this one. I enjoyed the other three books in the Barefoot Bay series, but this one just didn't work for me. I think Roxanne St. Claire is a great writer, and the writing in Barefoot by the Sea is strong, but I found that I had to suspend way too much belief for the basic p...

Barefoot by the Sea (2013) by Roxanne St. Claire

Taken to the Edge (2000)

I don't know why the author didn't just make this a long prologue for Edge of Sight. I get irritated having to go looking for a separate story then remembering to read it before I start the book. And of course I forgot to do that until I was about a quarter of the way in EoS and was wondering why...

Taken to the Edge (2000) by Roxanne St. Claire

Seduction on the Sand (2014)

This is the second book in the billionaire trilogy by Roxanne St. Claire.. and this one started right were the first left off... this one revolves around Elliot Becker and Frankie Cardinale... she is a strong woman who will do everything to keep her families land....He is after this land at any...

Seduction on the Sand (2014) by Roxanne St. Claire

Scandal on the Sand (2014)

I can not get enough of this series! I finished this fantastic...positively steaming novella in a few hours because I could not take my eyes off the page. I HAD to know how it ended! I love Nice Nate ;) and the fierce Liza...but I got so attached to everyone in this book. that little boy, Dylan.....

Scandal on the Sand (2014) by Roxanne St. Claire

Thrill Me to Death (2006)

A hot-blooded bodyguard. An heiress worth a cool billion. And one dangerous attraction.... Roxanne St. Claire delivers a heart-pounding thrill ride in the second Bullet Catchers novel! HE KNOWS ALL HER SECRETS... Max Roper never lets emotion get in the way of his job -- not since the tragic ...

Thrill Me to Death (2006) by Roxanne St. Claire

Kill Me Twice (2005)

You know how the term "B movie" is used for all those movies that are just to cheesy, over-the-top or just plain not well acted enough to really be taken seriously, but are sometimes fun to watch just the same? Well, this book would be the perfect example if there were a term like that for books...

Kill Me Twice (2005) by Roxanne St. Claire

Take Me Tonight (2007)

What do thrill-seeking women want? A fantasy-fulfilling exciting rescue by a scorching hot guy...with an unforgettable night of passion. So they go to -- and then they die. Someone has to stop it. When Sage Valentine discovers that her roommate's shocking su...

Take Me Tonight (2007) by Roxanne St. Claire

Thunderstruck (Harlequin NASCAR, #4) (2007)

If Mick Churchill thinks he can buy out half of Shelby Jackson's family-owned race team, she's got news for him. So what if Mick's the most famous soccer star on the globe--with cash, connections and charisma? Fuel line? Finish line? Shelby doubts the Brit knows the difference. Superstar Mick kne...

Thunderstruck (Harlequin NASCAR, #4) (2007) by Roxanne St. Claire

First You Run (2008)

AN UNSTOPPABLE BODYGUARD ON THE HUNT. A WOMAN HIDING A SECRET EVEN SHE DOESN'T KNOW. A PASSION THAT BEGINS WITH DANGER.... Bullet Catcher Adrien Fletcher is on a mission to track down a baby given up in a black market adoption thirty years ago. He has a list of possible names and one tant...

First You Run (2008) by Roxanne St. Claire

Reason To Believe

Arianna leaned back in the deli booth, pushing away a barely eaten green salad. “About Brian, and our past, and what I was feeling in that room. I know you want to know all that.”     “As much as I like getting big points, those aren’t the questions I want to ask.” He reached ...

Reason To Believe by Roxanne St. Claire


Either you were born with the ability or not. Like racing. Like math. Like risk-taking and neatness. Some things are not learned, they are programmed into the genes. Mick Churchill, no surprise, was a natural dancer. He moved to the beat as if the music flowed through him, inches away from her, i...

Thunderstruck by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot at Moonrise (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 2)

That was sarcasm, right? Because right then, trembling and turned on, Beth didn’t think she’d ever wanted anything as much as she wanted Ken Cavanaugh.     She’d never seen him like that, she thought, closing her eyes to remember the bit of…desperation etched on his face and e...

Barefoot at Moonrise (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 2) by Roxanne St. Claire

Make Her Pay

Con stayed with the police, participating in hours of frustrating communication in broken English and Portuguese, explaining that Solange was dead when they arrived.That was, oddly enough, the easiest task of the night. The police believed her to be a recluse psycho who was rumored to have attemp...

Make Her Pay by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot in Lace (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 2)

“You were married.” She barely breathed the words. “With a son?”Taking a deep inhale, he held it in his lungs for a long time before letting it out in a long, tattered puff of sorrow.“My wife, Sophia, had been six months pregnant when she hemorrhaged. Both she and our son died before she could ge...

Barefoot in Lace (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 2) by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot With a Stranger (Barefoot Bay Undercover Book 2)

Images of Drummand and Chessie darkened his mind. A flash of a gravestone made things worse. His arm burned and his head throbbed with each crevice and rut the van clunked over. And then he could smell Gitmo. At least, he recognized the scent of oily chicken and burned pizza, telling him they wer...

Barefoot With a Stranger (Barefoot Bay Undercover Book 2) by Roxanne St. Claire

Pick Your Poison

“I know this is more than you counted on this morning, Callie. You wanted money and didn’t plan to risk your life to get it.”She shrugged, all the color back in her cheeks again and plenty of light in her big blue eyes. “Beats farming.”“Yeah? You interested in a job?”“As the foreign substance exp...

Pick Your Poison by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot With a Bodyguard

A young woman stepped out from the linen-enclosed cabana and waved Kate and Alec closer. “You’re Tilly and Ben, right? What’s taking you two so long out here? Hailey and I were starting to think we heard an argument.”     “My wife thinks she can teach me a thing or two,” Alec ...

Barefoot With a Bodyguard by Roxanne St. Claire

Then You Hide

TRIPLETS? FOR the second time in one day—hell, in one hour—Vanessa was dumbfounded. “Nobody even had triplets thirty years ago, did they?”     He laughed softly. “They had them, it was just a surprise on delivery day.”     “How could I not know this?” After...

Then You Hide by Roxanne St. Claire

Face of Danger (2011)

Colt waited at a stop-light and gave Sutton a friendly signal to pull out in front of him, making following him a breeze.     He stayed on a main road, easy to follow, heading south until he maneuvered onto Hummock Pond Road, leading southwest to Cara’s house.   &nbs...

Face of Danger (2011) by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot at Sunset (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 1)

The woman behind the reception desk at Eucalyptus gave Emma a friendly smile.     “I’m just checking out the facilities,” she said, taking in the giant cut-glass mirror that covered one wall and the simple furnishings on gleaming wood floors. The reception area was bright, wel...

Barefoot at Sunset (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 1) by Roxanne St. Claire

The Intern Affair

Abdul Karim. He was to oversee the application for a gold exploration permit in NW Mali. Soon after Talya Gilmore’s arrival in Bamako, Karim disappeared along with his niece, Helen Dumarais. Talya needed to find them in order to clear Tristan’s name of any wrong-doing in the embezzlement of funds...

The Intern Affair by Roxanne St. Claire

Don't You Wish

From the moment we leave the garage—which is like a hotel parking lot stocked with so many cars I lose count—and Trent the Tool guns a spiffy blue BMW over a bridge to leave someplace called Star Island, the day is unreal. Sunshine, blue skies, palm trees, tropical breezes, and aquamarine water r...

Don't You Wish by Roxanne St. Claire

Hunt Her Down

They were so vulnerable, surrounded by thirty miles of lake in one direction and fifty in the other, the mountains of Venezuela the only sight of land they had. And the three flimsy walls—two of which were only three feet high— and bamboo roof with gaping holes would provide little shelter from t...

Hunt Her Down by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot in the Sand

“So, basically, all you’ve got is a Delaware-based corporation.” “And there are a million of those,” Darcie agreed, equally frustrated. “This one has no more than a P.O. box, and a bunch of brick walls around that. And they paid cash, so there’s no mortgage paper trail, or you know I’d be followi...

Barefoot in the Sand by Roxanne St. Claire

They All Fall Down

I want to replay everything, every word, every image that is burned into my brain. But I fail; all I can do is remember one face, one sentence, one life-changing piece of information. Of course, he talked quite a bit more than you. Right up to the very end. Over and over the words play in my head...

They All Fall Down by Roxanne St. Claire

Space in His Heart

Nestled among the cluster of casual bars and restaurants at the end of Cocoa Beach Pier, the place pulsed with NASA and Cape employees who’d planted themselves around long wooden tables laden with draft beer and popcorn. Along the back wall, the Public Affairs department joined their spouses and ...

Space in His Heart by Roxanne St. Claire

Barefoot in Pearls (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 3)

She was finally finished going through everything, certain she had some real artifacts. Some shells, some coral, but some pieces with real value, though she couldn’t be sure until she got a professional assessment.     Pouring a second glass of pinot noir, she carried it to th...

Barefoot in Pearls (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 3) by Roxanne St. Claire

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