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Read Barefoot In The Sand

Barefoot in the Sand

Online Book

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Grand Central Publishing

Barefoot In The Sand - Plot & Excerpts

“So, basically, all you’ve got is a Delaware-based corporation.”
“And there are a million of those,” Darcie agreed, equally frustrated. “This one has no more than a P.O. box, and a bunch of brick walls around that. And they paid cash, so there’s no mortgage paper trail, or you know I’d be following it. I’m sorry, Clay. I really thought I got close to a name from a contact in D.C., but the flow of information shut off and now I can’t get anything. Do you have a backup plan for the property?” she asked.
“A much smaller version of what we want,” he said. And it wouldn’t include that home he’d just showed Lacey, damn it. “But if we don’t get those two properties, we have to compromise on everything.”
“You’re starting to sound French, big brother.”
“Excuse me?”
“We, we, we. Or haven’t you noticed that you never refer to ‘the client,’ only ‘we’ and ‘us’ and ‘our’?”
He’d noticed.
“Now, do you want the information on the financing for the residence on the property?”

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