“Now this is a ship!” he laughed. “I can’t believe how quickly these eight-armed robots have gotten things put right. Zye, your people are to be commended for their efficiency.” “Your compliment honors us both,” she said in a formal tone. Rumbold’s eyebrows performed a quick up-down movement, indicating surprise, but he said nothing further. The crew seemed to be getting used to Zye’s odd responses. Clapping his hands together loudly, Rumbold mounted the central stage with the three rotating command chairs. “Where do I sit, Captain Sparhawk?” Smiling, I indicated the helmsman’s spot. Yamada was stationed there at the moment, but she got up without complaint. She knew Rumbold was our best pilot. Her skills were more technical in nature. “You have the conn, Chief,” she said, ushering him into the seat. “Whoa!”