An explosive beginning to what looks to be an incredible series! The writing is easy to read, the dialogue witty and appropriate, the world building incredible, and the character development is flawless. Set just after vampires have announced their existence to the world, we meet Merit, a grad student from a wealth family turned vampire against her will. Arguably one of the best reactions to a forcible turning that ive ever come across. While Merit is upset over the change, she does not bemoan it endlessly throughout the entire book. Shes a realist, so she accepts it and adapts. I like Merit as a main character, shes normal, real, believable and relatable. Sure shes growing into a superpower, but at a believable rate with believable training being described. Mallory is a cute and fun supporting character, Luc, Lindsay, and Jeff are hilarious, Catcher is hot and a great teacher for Merit and Mallory, Morgan and Ethan make wonderful book boyfriends and foils for each other. My all time favorite character is Merit's grandpa, I hope he lives to ripe old age and is present in all the books! All in all a fabulous read worth picking up, cant wait to read the next book!The best part of this entire novel, JOHN LEE HOOKER! Chloe Neill has incredible taste in music, seriously No až na tú vtipnú stránku (vtipné hlášky) a pomerne sympatické postavy tejto knihe chýbalo absolútne všetko, počnúc dobrou zápletkou a priebehom deja po rozuzlenie, ktoré bolo vlastne úplne hrozné a plytké a o ničom. Dá sa prižmúriť oko, keďže to bola prvá časť, ktorá má čitateľa uviesť do obrazu, ale aj tak to bolo slabé. Aj Mercy Thompson mala prvú časť, aj Kate Daniels, aj Rachel Morgan alebo Alex Craftová, ale práve tá prvá časť sa snažila čitateľa zaujať a donútiť ho čítať ďalej. Tu okrem zápletky medzi hlavnou hrdinkou a jej upírskym majstrom nenúti čitateľa pokračovať absolútne nič. Tri hviezdy to má len preto, lebo to stále bolo o chlp lepšie než série Edie Spence či Riley Jenson, ktoré mi miestami prišli ako vrchol nevkusu aj v tom žánri. A stále nedokážem pochopiť ako sa toto niekomu môže páčiť viac ako taká Rachel Morgan, ktorú prestali vydávať a toto vydávajú... ach.
What do You think about Bazı Kızlar Isırır (2012)?
È un urban fantasy davvero intrigante, adoro Merit, ma in questo primo libro delle volte mi sono imbarazzata per lei!! L'amore non è al centro di tutto, ma Ethan marita di essere conosciuto... merita davvero molto! ;) Le avventure di Merit, che passa dall'essere una studentessa modello e topo di biblioteca, a diventare la forte Sentinella (dopo svariati giorni di addestramento!!) del Casato Cadogan dei vampiri di Chicago, vi piaceranno sicuramente!! Stelline 3,5
Merit is attacked by a vampire one night on campus, and a second vampire comes to her aid, saving her life by making her a vampire as well--without her consent. Throw in a vampire serial killer, supernatural politics, and a father she can't please, and Merit's life has suddenly become a lot more complicated. Typical of the urban fantasy genre; everyone is gorgeous and reasonably well-off. Decent read, but nothing I did not expect going in.
Fantastic book so far, can't wait til the next one