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Read BB Dalton

BB Dalton

Online Book

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BB Dalton - Plot & Excerpts

BB sat up a little straighter at the sound of his name being barked from the doorway by his commanding officer. “In my office. Now.”
“Yes, sir.” Oh, shit. What the hell had he done to get called into the commander’s office right before a team meeting? There was no way this could be good.
He’d arrived on time for the o-eight-hundred meeting.
In fact, he hadn’t even been the last one in the door. That honor belonged to his teammate Jack Gordon. BB knew that Jack’s girlfriend was visiting, so it wasn’t a surprise he looked like he’d just rolled out of bed after getting not a hell of a lot of sleep.
BB tried to ignore the raised eyebrows and interested looks of the other guys as he rose and made his way into the commander’s office.
Damn it. It just figured he’d somehow get into trouble right before his leave started. He was supposed to go home to his family in New York for the holidays. As he walked into the commander’s office, feeling very confused, he hoped he’d still be waking up Christmas morning in his old bed.

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