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Read Bear The Burn (Firebear Brides 1)

Bear The Burn (Firebear Brides 1)

Online Book

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Anya Nowlan

Bear The Burn (Firebear Brides 1) - Plot & Excerpts

Navigating these nearly lifeless and perfectly serene roads in the truck she rented was no trouble whatsoever.Having passed through Shifter Grove, she’d already decided that she liked the place. Now only the small inconvenience of meeting her new “beau” remained. In a fit of wine-induced silliness—the only thing she could blame it on other than the very real possibility that maybe she needed a bit of a break—she’d gotten in touch with Royce Hamilton and found him as sensible and grounded as he was mouthwateringly hot. It wasn’t her ideal combination in a would-be fake suitor, as she would have preferred to think of him as just mildly okay instead of completely fuckable, but it would do. It slightly troubled her that their conversations over the phone had gone from matter-of-fact discussions about possible preparations and how things would work, to laughing about their favorite movies and bitching and moaning about their old lives. They might have even dreamed a little bit about their “new”

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