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Read Bear The Fire (Firebear Brides 4)

Bear The Fire (Firebear Brides 4)

Online Book

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Anya Nowlan

Bear The Fire (Firebear Brides 4) - Plot & Excerpts

Redmond huffed, trying to tie the bow tie around Rhodes’s neck again as he dodged and ducked like a fighter in a boxing ring.“You’re the one who’s being ridiculous. Do I look like the kind of guy who wears a goddamn bowtie?!” Rhodes growled, sharing a scowling look with his brother.“You’re both being ridiculous. This whole thing’s ridiculous. Leave the damn bowtie, Redmond,” Royce said with a sigh, rubbing his temples.Ragnar, the bastard, was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing a bowtie, smirking like this was the funniest thing he’d seen all year. “All right, but don’t blame me if your wife’s going to be pointing at the wedding pictures twenty years from now, bemoaning how you looked like a thug,” Redmond said, stuffing the tie in the pocket of his black dress pants.“I am a thug. I don’t think Kali’s going to be surprised by that,” Rhodes huffed back, but they shared a grin with Redmond.They were all nervous as hell and it was showing.

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