Charlotte had scored a clear victory today in court. Innocent! Her client had been released from jail and now was free to get on with her life. The press for Wellington and James had been outstanding. Life was looking up. So why did life feel so out of control? Why in the light of so many successes did she see only failure? Because you are too tired and you need a break. Because you were on this case too long and you just can’t let go. She set aside the reports on her new client prospects and rose from her living room couch. Barefooted, she’d changed from her suit into short gym shorts and an old T-shirt. This was her go-to comfort outfit that made her feel like herself and one that she’d never wear in public. In the kitchen, she set a copper teakettle on the stove and turned on the gas burner. She wondered what Sooner was doing now. Where was she going to sleep when she left the carnival? The teakettle blew. She shut off the gas flame, poured hot water into a black and gray mug, and set the kettle on a cool burner.