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Read Bet On A Mistletoe

Bet on a Mistletoe

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Bet On A Mistletoe - Plot & Excerpts

The night had finally began to wind down. Three hours of grilling questions from everyone in the damn county and three hours of her tap dancing around the truth.
      She’d been home now for four days and still hadn’t opened up to her parents about what was going on with her.
      She was being a sacred selfish twit. Regardless of how wonderful it felt to be home and around her family, she knew it was all pretence until she opened up to her mom and dad. Five days until Christmas and she was still holding out, like her news was going to be a happy surprise. She shook her head. No, her news was nothing like, ‘Hi, Mom and Dad I’m getting married to the man of my dreams’ or ‘Mom, Dad, your son in-law and I are pregnant.’ Nope, nothing like that. It was more in line with ‘Mom, Dad, I dropped out of college and spent all your money on a time share in the Everglades’ or ‘Hi, Mom and Dad, please answer the collect call, I’ve been arrested and need you to bail me out.’ “Again,”

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