—Muriel Sterling, Knowing Who You Are: One Woman’s Journey “Muriel, thanks for letting me have an exclusive. I know we can sell this place,” Nenita Einhausen from Mountain Meadows Real Estate said. “I can already think of a couple of families who might be interested.” “Even this time of year?” Muriel asked. “I didn’t think people would be looking before spring.” Not that she could afford to wait until spring. “Spring is right around the corner,” Nenita said. “And I have a family who’s anxious to get out of the city and live in a small town. This would be perfect for them.” It would be perfect for anyone. It had been perfect for her and Waldo. Letting go was hard. Her life was picking up speed like a roller coaster running through a house of horrors. Waldo’s death, the troubles with the business, now losing her house—she hoped this nasty ride would level out soon.