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Read Big Bear Problems: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Romance

Big Bear Problems: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Romance

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Big Bear Problems: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Romance - Plot & Excerpts

Now, this wasn’t anything that Jen didn’t know before, she’d seen it on the maps, read it in the town’s reviews, heard her realtor lament about it more times than she cared to admit, but after all that, it still hadn’t sunk in entirely.
    Sweetwater was small.
    There wasn’t a place to just casually grab a big caramel macchiato if you felt so inclined. Best you could do was beg Maisy to find a paper cup and pour some of her black as tar coffee to go and hope it didn’t keep you up all night. All the locals lugged around thermoses and Jen sort of felt like she’d been transported into an alternate dimension where Starbucks had never happened and the whole world was still teetering on the edge of madness, having never known the sweet taste of a triple whip mint chocolate chai.
    Not only that, but Sweetwater seemed to exist in a world where time stood still. No one was in a rush, until there was fear of a wildfire somewhere or something, and no one was stressed out.

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