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Read Birthday List

Birthday List

Online Book

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Birthday List - Plot & Excerpts

She glanced over at the clock – nine am. Even on a day off, she was incapable of sleeping in.
She slid her hand over the pillow next to her, still warm from Eric. Unlike her, he didn't get a spring break. He'd talked about taking some time off while she was on break, but true to form, one of his charges had a competition and he couldn't miss it. He was completely devoted to those kids.
Callie smiled. She loved that about him. His giant heart and his loving devotion to the handicapped kids he worked with. That kind of caring was sexier than washboard abs any day, though Eric had those too.
She rolled over, stuffing her face into the pillow and inhaling deeply. His masculine smell tickled her nostrils. Wetness dripped between her legs. The only problem with his big caring heart was he wasn't here with her.
She had all kinds of fun plans for the break, including joining Amy, Krista and Giselle for a Mirage concert. Mallory, one of their best friends and Mirage girlfriend, had even sent them backstage passes to spend the evening with her and her guys.

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