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Read Bittersweet (2006)

Bittersweet (2006)

Online Book

3.62 of 5 Votes: 4
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0440243459 (ISBN13: 9780440243458)

Bittersweet (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

I can see why Danielle Steel has had so much success as an author. This is the first book of hers that I have read and I must say that I was surprised. I have seen a lot of her books at used bookstores and have passed them over. However, I picked up this one by luck. I read the excerpt on the story and I took it home with me. It sat on my bookshelf for about 1 year. I finally picked it up this week and began to read it. A few days later I find myself writing this review.Let me start off by saying that “Bittersweet” was the most perfect title of this book! The whole story really was bittersweet. It had sadness and happiness mixed in as one. Steel definitely has a great writing skill. There were many elements to the story itself that I really liked. I loved that the story was not predictable. There were several times when I was thinking “ok, this is obvious what is going to happen between these 2” , and I would read along only to find out I was wrong. There were elements of surprise too! Without saying too much on the story itself, I will say that I believed that India and Paul would end up having an affair with each other while they were both married and I was wrong! The character that I really disliked with a passion was Doug!! What an ignorant macho-tistic man he was!! Steel did a great job in creating this character and describing him to where I felt he was right in front of me and I wanted to punch him in the face. I really felt bad for India at the beginning of the story. She was sheltered on her dreams and the way Doug spoke to her about her passion in photography was belittling. He not only had no appreciation for her as a wife, or the mother of his children let alone as a human being. It was no wonder to me why she starting to give up on their marriage. Everybody has a breaking point and I am surprised she didn’t reach hers sooner!One of the things that really surprised me about the story was that Steel doesn’t do much in describing the setting of Cape Cod and New York where most of the story takes place. She does have a few descriptive paragraphs but not enough to where I could actually visualize the setting in my mind. However, this was not an issue with me because she made up for it by focusing the writing more to the characters and the plot. In the end, this worked out great for me! I was able to get into the story and the drama in it!Steel really followed through on her great reputation as a writer. No wonder the woman is a Best Selling Author!! I look forward to reading more of her novels!

Bittersweet by Danielle SteelThis book is about India who gave up her world traveling and helping others in less fortunate countries with shelter and food and married Doug, he works on Wall Street.They live in Westport, CT and he commutes to work daily. She gave up her job in the photography field when she had her first child. After others came along and they are grown and teens she wants to get a career back.On the Cape she met others who have listened to what she's told them and they are behind her to pursue her dreams. The youngest child Sam just loves sailing and it brightens her to see him so happy doing it.Paul has told her if she does go to work their marriage is over. Love that India is into photography and has always taken pictures. Love how she stands up for what she believes in...I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

What do You think about Bittersweet (2006)?

I'm reading that book right now its awesome, i love it so much like every book of my favourite Danielle Steel, don't know what to say it's just amazing, got so much love for it.. Thank you♥BittersweetI've just finished it, it's very inspirational: NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS♥
—Elza Balaj

Reasons why I gave two stars..I’m not pretty sure (doubtful) if I liked India’s character in the story. She was too much under her husband Doug who wouldn’t let her get back to work as a professional photographer. She was easily manipulated by her husband. But optimistic signs of her which I liked- She’s a great mother, determined and humble. As I was reading the first few chapter, I found it irritating that same thing/conflict comes out-and that is India’s insistent of getting back to her work as a photographer (Why now?? Maybe Doug was right) but soon I understood and I felt her as a woman that she wanted to be complete and was so sick of just being a plain housewife with same errands everyday for years...And eventually succeeded and went back to work with a big conditions that both she and her husband plus the children must face. At some point, there were times that I judge Doug as a husband (like most readers do, I guess). He was selfish, rude to words, pathetic, insensitive and dumb for treating India. And here comes Paul, I liked him at first but almost hated him for treating India like taken for granted. Thinking of his dead wife and all the nightmares!! (Well, I can’t blame him) But Paul proved it wrong. He surprised me in the end. I would love to hear Doug jealous of India for having Paul with her in the end. All I thought was that BITTERSWEET was all about a husband and a wife, despite of the problems, pressure, divorce, faithfulness issues and adjustment, managed to be with each other. (For better or for worse as the famous line says). The story proved me wrong (Again). The story was unpredictable and fast moving, that a husband and wife may never be a husband and wife in the end, instead, it might be a wife and a new lover.PS. I still hate Doug! Such a pain in the ass…..

So India (the main character) was a very famous photographer 17 years ago and she wants to get back to work... but the "big" trouble is that, the jackass she calls husband, Doug, dont let her.This is the first book of Danielle Steel that i read and i have to said that im a little bit dissapointed.When I first started reading, I read one review that said India was the bravest heroin that she ever read before... hell no.So i started reading the book ... and are fifty pages for her to ask for permission from her husband to return to work. FIFTY PAGES. Seriously. When he says "No"she just shut and let it pass.On page 217 she asks again if she can back to work part time. And he gets angry and leaves her.So she ends up begging him. Really?That's not the end but... well basically that's it.

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