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Limitless Publishing, LLC

Bittersweet - Plot & Excerpts

The previous night’s drama had caused headaches for more than just her, she guessed.
    Her parents had picked up Jayden and brought him to Sam’s house. He ran for her soon as he saw her and landed straight in Jenna’s open arms, sobbing his little heart out.
    “I’ll never leave you again,” she vowed. “I promise you.”
    Sam offered to let Jayden and Jenna stay as long as they wanted, and that got her mother going, of course. “That’s not necessary, but thanks anyway,” she said. “Jenna and Jayden will be coming back with us.”
    That shocked Jenna. She hadn’t expected her mother to argue or be rude. “No, Mom. I love you, but I’m not going anywhere. I refuse to run away. Jayden’s got school now, and I can’t just pull him out like that. I’m staying, and I have enough to deal with, so please just understand.”
    “Okay then, if that’s what you want.

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