But, even more than the Almighty, he had to thank Professor Amos, who had completed the job of reconstructing their cadaver with a remarkable and commendable speed. Armed with pictures of Professor Amos's facial reconstruction of the dead man, Rafferty took one with him to the convent. He hoped to get confirmation that the reconstruction was a good likeness of one of their possible victims: the man who had visited the convent to learn about the late Sister Clare; Nathan McNally, Cecile's missing boyfriend; or Ray Payne, Teresa's ex-drug dealer boyfriend cum pimp. Both Teresa and Cecile were adamant the photograph of the reconstruction bore no resemblance to either of their ex-boyfriends – Claims easily checked out, in Cecile's case at least, as her parents and the Bells, the father and son building team, also confirmed that the reconstruction bore no resemblance to Nathan McNally. Certainly, Professor Amos's reconstruction was widely at odds with the facial features her parents had worked on with the police artist.