He was reluctant to approach those who lived at the farm for help and possibly lose Inigo’s sanctuary. Better that he moved as far away from here as he could, though he still wasn’t giving the vampire much chance of survival. Without a way back to the other side, he was stuck. They were both stuck. And so was the shifter he’d been sent to retrieve. Staying alert, he let his wings out and, keeping low, made his way back to the village they’d traveled through. He was too tense to feel the exhilaration of flight. The opportunity to take to the air on the other side came rarely. It was too much of a risk, though his boss made all faeries practice flying in the deserted Scottish Highlands. Annoying that when he’d rushed to his parents after Ellie had discovered how to return the Kewen, he’d been forced to rely on the superior speed of his boss’s deputy. Micah had money in his pocket thanks to the donor of the clothes he wore, and he made for the first inn he spotted.