Bursts of iridescent colour passed through the walls of the round structure. In the gardens, dynamic flowers grew, like tiny firecrackers in constant motion, blooming and changing colour in a never-ending stream of combinations. Soft mists constantly billowed out and fell from the fountains and waterfalls, their hues changing in periodic bursts. The sky and sun above were a vibrant shade of mauve, in stunning contrast to the iridescent white of the mammoth fortress and the white mist that cloaked the ground between the flowerbeds and the billowing colour-filled garden features. Turning in circles to admire the breathtaking gardens, Kyle was thrilled to spy Kyron nearby. The beast was snuggling into the soft mist that covered the ground and seemed to be in a state of complete bliss. ‘Ron!’ The huge creature ceased trying to scratch its back against the ground and flipped quickly onto its hands and knees. ‘Kyle!’ It scrambled along on all fours eager to greet its charge, but then stood up to take Kyle in hand and toss him in the air.