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Read Born Wicked (2012)

Born Wicked (2012)

Online Book

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0399257454 (ISBN13: 9780399257452)
Putnam Juvenile

Born Wicked (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

QUATTRO STELLINE E MEZZO. Partiamo dal presupposto che ADORO i romanzi che parlano di “streghe” . Il tutto si fa ancora più accattivante se aggiungiamo una trama coinvolgente, una bella storia d’amore, segreti, un interessante alone di mistero e il modo di scrivere di Jessica Spotswood, che ha catturato fin da subito la mia totale e completa attenzione. Uno stile semplice, con frasi brevi, i tempi al presente e tutto in prima persona. Insomma, una scrittura scorrevolissima e capace di mantenere sempre vivo l’interesse senza annoiare mai, persino nelle scene più descrittive o in quelle introduttive, che di solito io considero una “quasi perdita di tempo”.Il personaggio di Cate mi è piaciuto fin da subito. E’ la maggiore delle tre sorelle Cahill (tutte e tre streghe) e vive nel periodo dell’800. Ha un bel carattere forte e coraggioso, è responsabile, matura, a volte autoironica e non si piange addosso nonostante il pesante fardello che deve tenere sulle proprie spalle. Dopo la morte della mamma si ritrova, a soli diciassette anni, a proteggere entrambe le sorelle (Maura e Tess) a causa del loro carattere impulsivo e dell’istinto di usare i loro poteri in situazioni assolutamente inappropriate, rischiando di mostrarsi al resto del mondo per ciò che realmente sono e rovinare così la loro copertura (comincio a detestare Maura…sappiatelo!). I Fratelli, rigidi e spietati membri della Confraternita (una sorta di ordine religioso simile all’Inquisizione), sono sempre in agguato, pronti a puntare il dito contro qualunque comportamento femminile inconsueto o solo lievemente sospetto, accusando di stregoneria la sventurata fanciulla in questione, per poi rinchiuderla in manicomio o riservarle una sorte ancora più crudele. Nel corso della storia Cate incontra Finn, il figlio della proprietaria della libreria del paese, nonché nuovo giardiniere della villa delle sorelle Cahill. Un ragazzo intelligente, studioso, gentile e anche attraente, che, assieme a sua madre, aiuterà Cate nella ricerca delle risposte che le servono per svelare il significato di una certa profezia. E di lui ben presto Cate si innamorerà, pur essendo promessa in sposa a Paul, un vecchio amico d’infanzia.Se fino ad ora ero convinta che potessero risultare interessanti solo i ragazzi belli e impossibili, bastardi e arroganti……con Finn Belastra mi sono assolutamente ricreduta. Si può essere affascinanti anche solo avendo buon cuore e un bel po’ di sale in zucca.Insomma, leggendo questo primo volume sembra che la serie abbia tutte le carte in regola per essere un successo. E siamo solo all’inizio! Non vedo l’ora di leggere gli altri due libri! Really torn between a 2 and a 3 rating.There's no good way for me to start this review except to just come straight out and say that this book disappointed me. With a pretty cover and interesting premise but lacking in world-building, solid pacing, and full characterization, BORN WICKED seems to exemplify all that is characteristic of recently published YA that are big hits but technically weak.So let's begin by going down that list, I guess. BORN WICKED claims to take place in an alternate history of the world, but unless your copy of the book came with the Editor's Note saying so, it's extremely difficult to figure out the "rules" of said world. BORN WICKED is set in an alternate world where New England is religiously oppressed and women dream of someday going to "Dubai" and engaging in freedom of expression. All of these similarities-but-differences beg the question: so where in the course of Earth's history did things change? Only that is never explained in the book. There is no explanation of any "turning points" that led to this alternate course of history. Instead we simply have proper nouns like Dubai and New London and Mexico and the Indo-China War with no anchors in our own history. We have details like dress shapes and vague descriptions of architecture but the details seem to be a jumbled mix of Victorian, American Colonial, and Asian history.Look. If you want to write a fantasy, then just make up different names and say that your inspiration came from the Salem Witch Trials.Some people think it's a good thing that the last several chapters of a 300-plus-page book are dramatic and full of startling revelations and villains going BOOM and protagonists agonizing over difficult decisions that they must make in a pinch of a moment. This is not a good thing. It means that the pacing is uneven and that the rest of the book up until the last few dramatic chapters either drag painfully or could have been condensed into a few chapters without losing anything. You don't sell a 300-plus-page book by saying, oh my goodness, but just wait until you get to page 300. Page 300?! No. The first 300 pages need to be tight. They need to be informative. They need to ensnare the reader. The last few chapters CANNOT justify the first several hundred pages. I don't find the last few dramatic chapters of a book to ever justify the amount of time I spent dragging myself through the first several hundred pages.And finally, characterization. Writers, minor characters deserve almost the same amount of thought and development you give to major characters. Consider that, if they were real (which is kind of the point of writing fiction: to make everything feel as real and believable as possible, no matter your intention for doing so), minor characters could and should have the potential to be protagonists of their own stories somewhere out there. All of the characters in BORN WICKED are kind of jumbled together in my mind. No one stands out. The Biggest and Baddest Villains are Completely Opaque-Black Badddd, but nearly everyone else's natures and backstories seem to be able to be summarized in just two sentences each. If you want your characters--and thus, essentially, your story--to be memorable for readers, this is not the way to go.

What do You think about Born Wicked (2012)?

Pretty good book. Great story. I didn't care for the small spots of same-gender attraction.

A low five to a high four! It's a great book! The ending... Agonizing! Onto the next:)

Love triangles. I hate them with a passion.

Loved it!! Great series.


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