Broken Dragon (The Chronicles Of Mara Lantern, Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts
She spent the afternoon napping in her room, while her mother took Hannah out shopping. Now Mara sat, still a little bleary-eyed, in the passenger seat of her mother’s Ford Edge on their way over to Ned Pastor’s place to pick up the duplicate Chronicle he had fabricated. As Mara shifted in her seat trying to get the seat belt to not rub against her neck, she felt Stella Reese’s memory stone in her pocket. She slid it out and held it up for Hannah, who was sitting in the back, to see. “Hey, little girl, have you ever seen one of these?” Mara asked. She twisted the orange stone between her thumb and forefinger as she held it aloft. “Yes. It’s a rock. I’ve seen lots of them,” Hannah said. “No, I mean have you ever seen this rock before?” “Nope.” Hannah dismissed the subject by looking down to her lap where she held a comic book. From behind the wheel, Diana eyed the stone and said, “That’s an odd color for a rock. What is it?” she asked. “It’s a memory stone,”
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