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Call After Midnight (2001)

Online Book

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1551668343 (ISBN13: 9781551668345)
mira books

Call After Midnight (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

Gimana rasanya, jika suatu malam seorang staf kedutaan menelpon dan mengabari bahwa suami yang kita cintai, tewas dalam suatu kebakaran ? Rasanya dunia hancur ! Kehilangan seseorang yang kita cintai, apalagi rumah tangga baru dibina selama 2 bulan, tentunya ranjang pengantin masih hangat-hangatnya, suasana bulan madu masih terasa, tapi kini yang ada hanya kekosongan…Gimana rasanya, jika suatu saat ditelpon oleh orang yang kita rindukan dan baru saja kita makamkan, dan meminta kita untuk datang ke suatu tempat ? Kebingungan dan shock yang terjadi. Itulah yang dialami Sarah Fontaine ? Jadi, siapa yang baru saja dikubur itu ? Geoffrey, suaminya atau orang lain ? Ada apa dengan semua ini ?Untuk mengusir kegundahan dan untuk rasa ingin tahunya, Sarah berangkat menuju London, mencari tau apa yang sebenarnya dialami suaminya. Fakta-fakta yang ditemuinya di London, membingungkannya. Sungguhkah dia mengenal Geoffrey ? Nick O’Hara, sang staf kedutaan dibuat kaget dengan keberangkatan Sarah ke London. Terdorong rasa ingin melindungi dan merasa cukup tau dengan kejelasan siapa Geoffrey Fontaine, Nick mengejar Sarah ke London.Ternyata banyak pihak yang juga ingin tau keberadaan Geoffrey. Kini, Sarah & Nick menjadi incaran dan sasaran pihak kawan dan lawan. Sarah tak yakin lagi siapa yang dapat dia percayai, siapa Nick sebenarnya ? Novel ini, benar-benar menarik. Unsur suspense/thriller nya berasa banget. Di tambah dengan lokasinya yang di Eropa. London, Berlin, Amsterdam dll, menjadi tempat-tempat pencarian Sarah & Nick tentang Geoffrey.Sarah, ahli riset yang biasa-biasa saja, ternyata punya mental kuat dan keberanian yang tangguh. Di sisi lain, Nick, staff yang frustrasi dengan karir, dan diragukan integritasnya terhadap negara, merupakan orang amatir dalam hal yang berurusan dengan agen-agen pemerintahan. TG memang selalu menarik kalo buat cerita dengan unsur suspense dan tokoh wanita nya, tangguh.

Simon Dance , Berlin'de otel odasında saklanmış kendisini takip eden adamı beklemektedir. Adam onu öldürmek için gelince Dance erken davranır ve adamı öldürür. Adamı kendi yatağına yatırır, alyansını da adamın parmağına geçirir ve odayı ateşe verir, sessizce oradan uzaklaşır. Sarah Fontaine sıradan bir kadındır, pek çoklarına göre güzel sayılmaz. Gece yarısı çalan telefonla uyanır, arayan dışişleridir. Kocası ülke dışında kaldığı otelde yanarak ölmüştür. Sarah şok olur. İşin içinde bir tuhaflık vardır. Londra'da zannettiği kocasının Berlin'de öldüğü söylenmektedir. Nick O'Hara dışişlerinde çalışmaktadır. Sarah'a durumu haber veren kendisidir. Bu durumda bir tuhaflık olduğunu sezmektedir. Henüz iki aylık evli olan Sarah aslında kocasını ne kadar tanıyordur? Kocası gerçekten ölmüş müdür ya da başka bir şey mi vardır? Gerçeği öğrenmek için Sarah Amerika'dan Avrupa'ya uzanan tehlikeli bir yolculuğa çıkar , bu yolculuk hem çok tehlikelidir hem de Sarah'ın hayatını sonsuza kadar değiştirecektir. Konunun gidişatı olarak beni çok şaşırtan bir kitap olmasa da sürükleyici, bir sonraki sayfayı sabırsızlıkla açmama neden olacak kadar sevdiğim bir kitap oldu Gece Yarısından Sonra...

What do You think about Call After Midnight (2001)?

Sarah Fontaine wordt al snel na haar huwelijk weduwe. Haar man is dood aangetroffen in een uitgebrande hotelkamer in Berlijn. Berlijn? Haar man was toch in Londen? Nick O'Hara, een diplomaat die zich bezich houdt met slecht nieuws brengen, laat zich snel in met de weduwe. Hij is benieuwd naar het verhaal achter waarom de man van Sarah niet in Londen is. Al snel blijkt dat haar man tot voor een jaar helemaal niet bestond. Geïntrigeerd door zowel Sarah als de zaak, gaat hij met haar op onderzoek. Ze belanden in Londen, Berlijn en Amsterdam en de zaak is veel ingewikkelder dan eerst gedacht. Wie is wie? Wie is de vijand en wie kan je vertrouwen? Een niet medische thriller van Tess Gerritsen die ik op een dag uitgelezen heb. Vlot geschreven met voldoende spanning om door te willen gaan. Je moet gewoon weten hoe het afloopt.
—Vera VB

This was an interesting book but I did have issue with the premise. This woman, Sarah, gets a phone call from the State Department saying that her newlywed husband (2 months) was dead in Berlin. She gets a phone call saying -- "I need you come to me". So she ups and buys a transatlantic ticket to go to where her husband should have been ... London. So she doesn't know ... is he dead or is he alive? Then Nick, from the State Department, comes swooping in to either save the day or slam her butt in jail and they feel this irresistible attraction. So they fly from Great Britain to Germany and eventually end up in Amsterdam; they end up sleeping together and by the time 2 weeks is out she has gotten over her dead husband and ready to start happily ever after with Nick.The action is good. The characters are great; however, I am a widow and I think that 2 weeks after my husband's death I wouldn't have been shacking up with another man.Maybe if he had been "only" a fiance and there had been questions about his identity before he all of a sudden ended up dead then maybe we could see a faster transition. I don't know. It was good, but not my favorite Tess Gerristsen.

While not quite as eye-rollingly awful as her first book, this is still a long way from the brilliance of her Rizzoli & Isles books: it first came out in 1987 but has been re-published with a shiny cover and lots of quotes about what a great author she is - well she is now, but was obviously still learning...Our heroine Sarah is a mousy microbiology researcher (this has no relevance to the plot, as you might expect, but just shows how lonely and boring her life is) with horn-rimmed spectacles (I guess it was the 80s) who gets a call to say that her husband of two months, that she's madly in love with, has been burned to death in a Berlin hotel room, when she thought he was in London on business. Nick is the also bored/boring lonely diplomat charged with letting her know, and as soon as she takes off those horn-rimmed spectacles, he falls in love with her, and she's already eyeing him up at her dearly beloved husband's funeral. When she gets a call suggesting he is in fact still alive, she rushes off to Europe, with Nick hot on her heels, and lots of people get killed as they are hunted by spies and bad guys, but which is which?I'm not a romance fan, so books that pretend to be thrillers but are actually just vehicles for the couple to get together annoy me. The writing here has at least improved from "In their footsteps" - a bit but the best thing about this book is that it's only 250 pages long.
—The Cats Mother

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