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Read Calles De Edimburgo (2013)

Calles de Edimburgo (2013)

Online Book

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Ediciones B

Calles De Edimburgo (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I was intrigued by the scene in this one, but I have a bit of a problem with Adam. He's been very much a one-dimensional character. While I feel like we all got to know Ellie, I know nothing about Adam other than he's bffs with Braden.I don't necessarily know if this scene was necessary, but nonetheless, it gave us some insight.Merged review:Ellie and Adam are so effing cute. I'm glad this was just a novella - it was long enough that I got to read everything I wanted, but short enough to be direct. Their love story didn't require a full book and I'm glad Young recognized that.Also, pleased with how this sexual relationship is portrayed. Both of them had partners before and it's not something causing them shame. It frustrates me how new adult authors have only one way to go with sex: virgin girls are good and slutty girls are bad. In this case, this chick had sex before him and it's not something that is a cloud over her head. She also doesn't worry about whether or not she's pleasing him; her insecurity is about whether or not he loves her. You know, like most relationships! Glad someone finally realizes all of that. Not every college-aged girl has a problem with sexual dysfunction. Meine Meinung:Bitte erst nach Dublin Street lesen sonst weiß man nicht genau um was es genau handelt.In dieser Kurzgeschichte werden die Jahre beschrieben in den Elli Adam liebt und er es nicht erwidert, man erfährt wann Adam endlich mal bemerkt hat das Elli Erwachsen wird und sich daraufhin in sie verliebte. Aber damit war die Sache noch nicht gegessen da er angst hatte seinem besten Freund mitzuteilen das er seine Schwester liebt.Fazit:Diese Geschichte ist wirklich ein muss nach Dublin Street :)Man kann sich gut in die Gefühlslage der Charaktere hineinversetzen und ich hatte auch mal kurz Tränen in den Augen ;)

What do You think about Calles De Edimburgo (2013)?

A sweet story about Ellie (Braden's sister) & Adam (Braden's best friend). Beautifully written! :)

me parecio linda pero me hubiera gustado conocer mas y disfrutar mas de ella


Sinceramente mi aspettavo di più.

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