The lines in his face had deepened into clearly defined wrinkles. The flesh of his forehead looked like pastry after someone has drawn a fork across it. He sighed and looked at Nicholson. 'Any progress?' the Governor said, nodding towards the man in the bed. 'I was just about to look,' Dexter said, his voice low and guttural. With that he reached into the pocket of his white overall and took out a small pair of scissors. He cut the bandages close to the man's chin and began slowly unravelling them, pausing every now and then to lift the man's head. All that was visible was a small gap for his nose; the rest of his head was completely encased in gauze. Dexter continued with his task. 'If that delegation had got inside here the other day, you and I would be locked up in here,' said Nicholson. 'Does that bother you?' Dexter said. 'It's a change we were both prepared to take. We both knew the risks,' Nicholson said. 'What did they think of the electronic tagging idea?' Dexter wanted to know, still unwinding bandages.