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Read Chasing Midnight (2012)

Chasing Midnight (2012)

Online Book

3.51 of 5 Votes: 3
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0399158316 (ISBN13: 9780399158315)
Putnam Adult

Chasing Midnight (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

This book could have used a little editing as far as details are concerned. The whole island was supposed to be without power due to a jamming device, so that there was no electricity of any kind, nor phones or computers, yet at one point the protagonist is blinded by a spotlight? And at one point he is concerned about the opponents getting information by cell phone text? Hmmmm...I usually enjoy this writer's series about Doc Ford, but in this book Doc becomes more a James Bond character than the biologist he usually is. Some of this is not very believable and there is more than the usual amount of violence. Randy Wayne White is losing his touch, Doc Ford who has gone from a tough Character to a deliberate Killer is now a whiner. Half the book he is complaining about his own incompetence. Where is the decisive Character we still know from Black Widow or Heat Islands? I'm beginning to understand why RWW started to write about Hanna Smith in his latest Novel instead of Doc Ford.I was severely disappointed by this book.

What do You think about Chasing Midnight (2012)?

A different Doc Ford as the entire story unfolds in one night. Fast paced.

Not his best book.


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