She'd been invited by Bonnie Trenholm, a midwife whom she'd met through her professional midwives' association. Bonnie worked with an obstetrician who had privileges at the largest hospital in Charleston and suggested that he might provide backup for Maura as well. "Dr. Urquehart is coming to a party at my house Friday night," Bonnie had told her over the phone. "We're a group of medical professionals in the Charleston area. You'll feel right at home." Meeting Dr. Urquehart on a social basis appealed to Maura, and after her disastrous idea about having Xan Copeland examine her, she couldn't entertain any foolish notions about making herself a guinea pig again. Bonnie was so friendly that Maura had agreed to come to the party. It wasn't until afterward that she'd worried about what she'd gotten herself into. It wasn't the kind of party she'd expected, she thought as she stood indecisively in front of the house, which was located in a new suburb on the outskirts of town. She'd thought there would be a few serious-minded medical people sitting around a well-furnished living room in a gracious old Charleston home, talking quietly above soft flute music from a CD.
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