pleaded Pat. “I can’t,” replied Cherry, pacing up and down the small room set aside for employees. More than anything she wanted to confide in her friend, but she knew that as soon she’d said the words they’d become a reality. The truth was that she would have to move out of the chalet, and then not only would she be homeless again, but Mrs Talbot would make sure Jay was taken away from her. As she tried to smile, Cherry felt tears forming. She burst out, “Oh Pat, what will I do? Now I’ll have to admit to living in the chalet.” “I don’t see why,” shrugged Pat, her hand hovering as ever over the biscuit tin. Cherry brushed at her face quickly, hoping Pat didn’t notice. “I told Darius I was living there – even told him to keep it quiet because the management didn’t know. How embarrassing is that?” “But Darius won’t say anything,” declared Pat through a mouthful of chocolate biscuit.