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Choke - Plot & Excerpts

He had been smuggled there earlier that morning in the back of Tommy’s car, walked in one door and out another of the facility, and allowed to telephone for a ride. After a few minutes Meg drove up in the Porsche, and he got in.
“What’s happened?” she said, kissing him.
“They arrested me for murder,” Chuck said, “but there’s nothing to worry about.”
“Nothing to worry about!” she cried.
“Please, Meg, just drive back to Key West Bight; I’ll try and explain on the way.”
“I rode my bicycle to the tennis club and got the car. I’ll have to ride back with you to get the bike.”
“Fine, I appreciate your doing this.”
“I don’t understand how you can be so calm,” she said, thrusting the morning paper at him. The headline read: ARREST IN CARRAS MURDER Chuck quickly scanned the story to make sure his name wasn’t mentioned. “Whew!” he said when he had finished. “I’m not calm, believe me. I’m more than a little scared.”
“Start explaining,” she said.

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