Pip cried, throwing open the door. “Look what we have!” Her mother appeared in the living room door. Tears were running down her face. “And look what I have, Pip,” she said. Pip was wrapped in strong arms that smelled of Papa. “Where were you?” she said, pressing her face into his broad chest. “I made a foolish mistake and spent a few days in a deep well,” said Papa. He held her out to look into her eyes. “Don’t tell me you doubted me for a minute.” “Never,” Pip whispered. “Will, my boy.” Papa slapped Will on the shoulder and pulled him close. “Where on earth did you find such a feast?” “Pip found it,” said Will. Nibs and Nan were watching the cheese with awe. Kit licked his lips and eyed it greedily. “No food just yet, Kit,” Papa said. “Let’s go into the living room. These two are soaked through.” Papa led Pip over to the fire. Mama wrapped her and Will in blankets. Kit, Nibs, and Nan crowded around, as close to their father as they could squeeze.
What do You think about Christmas At Stony Creek (2007)?