A pretty good cloak-and-dagger thriller, set against the backdrop of wartime Berlin. My enjoyment was a bit hampered by the absence of any sympathetic characters...despite the fact that many of them were involved in saving the lives of entrapped Jews, the characters are far from noble...although this also made for a richer reading experience. Not quite up to the standards of Alan Furst, but nonetheless a very good read. What would you do....if you lived in Berlin in 1943? You are not a supporter of Hitler. You are silent and living on rations.....going to the shelter to avoid bombs that are being dropped on the city, nightly. You start to see atrocities taking place all around you. Would you be willing to go outside your comfort zone....put your life on the line by helping Jews? If your husband is away fighting for the SS in Russia, would you consider taking on a lover? What would you do? Thank goodness, I never had to make these kinds of decisions. This book would be excellent for a book club discussion.
What do You think about City Of Women (2012)?
Took a while for me to get into the story, but very good story in the end.
Started off rather slow, then picked up momentum towards the end.