The catchy tunes will help keep you energized, positive, and moving fast! The problem was, I agreed with Pepper. Nick was quite likely to do something that would make things worse. I tried calling Tierney without success. I had decided to push my idea that someone might have taken Nick. Of course, that didn’t quite match up with Pepper’s fear that Nick would do something stupid, even if he wasn’t guilty of anything. Tierney was a pro. He could decide which theory made sense, once I had a chance to explain my views to him. I was chewing my lower lip as I crossed the Woodbridge General parking lot. Still, I thought, I had found Pepper at Bakker Beach. The police hadn’t. That was because I knew Nick and had a pretty good idea of how he’d behave. There was no point in trying to figure out in which instances he was using logic. That didn’t help much with Nick. I sat in my rented Matrix and thought hard. What did I associate with Nick the Stick Monahan? Okay. Women, beer, cars, trucks, and bad decisions came to mind.
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