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Read Commitment Hour (1998)

Commitment Hour (1998)

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1568656874 (ISBN13: 9781568656878)
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Commitment Hour (1998) - Plot & Excerpts

This book was pure joy for me to read. I loved everything about it -- the world, the characters, the very idiosyncratic voice. After I came down from my reading high I found myself poking holes in some of the assertions about the world, suspect of the ways Gardner chose his characters to discourage the reader from thinking about aspects of it, but that didn't dampen my love for the experience. However, I cannot talk about the book without spoiling something that the back cover plays very coy with: the nature of the Commitment. It's revealed on page two, but if you don't want that spoiled, don't read any further. (Also, don't read any other reviews; I've only seen one that avoided the spoiler.)---The Commitment Fullin must make is choosing his gender for the rest of his life. This year he is male; but last year he was female, and in fact every summer of his life he has gone off with his gods and had his gender switched. Every person of Tober Cove spends their childhood this way, learning what it means to be both male and female (all aspects of each -- sexual exploration is encouraged, and in every person's last year as a female she bears a child), and then at twenty each person must commit to one gender or the other for the rest of his/her life.(Technically, a person can also commit to "both" and become a hermaphrodite; but 150 years ago that choice was outlawed, and any person that chooses both is immediately exiled from the community and can be killed on site if they return.)So this book is one in the long line of SF novels that looks at gender roles -- one of my favorite SF conversations to have.It's a first-person narrative, and that narration is, I think, the best thing about the book. Fullin is an incredibly well-realized character with a very distinct voice I found completely charming. The first page is an absolute gem; I'd quote it here, but that would take up way too much space. He's also a bit of a jackass, and the fact that I still loved reading him makes Gardner's achievement more impressive. And through a quirk I will not spoil, we also get to be inside Fullin's head as a woman. She is much more likable than he is; she is also, in both obvious and subtle ways, a very different person than Fullin as a man.One of the many things that make Fullin different in each gender is that Tober Cove has very strict gender roles -- stricter than the rest of the world, where the gender-switching does not take place. Men fish and hunt; women are caregivers. Men are politicians; women are priestesses. But, because the characters have practiced both roles all their lives, the system is not dystopic; after all, if you really want to be Mayor someday, you can just choose to be male at your Commitment ceremony. If you want to be Mayor and a stay-at-home Mom, well, the Mocking Priestess has a saying: "You can get what you want most in life; not even the gods can guarantee you get your second choice too."There isn't anything tremendously groundbreaking about the treatment of gender here; most of the book focuses on the lost third choice, and what that loss has done to warp an otherwise utopic society. Still, I loved the way Gardner handled it because many of the characters were so conscious of the processes at work; Leeta, the Mocking Priestess, and Fullin-as-a-woman all have wonderful moments where they become exasperated at the outsiders' confusion about how gender works in Tober Cove and break character, so to speak; they fill their roles to the hilt, but they do it consciously, because that keeps their society in balance.That self-awareness isn't only limited to gender roles either. This is science fiction, for all the talk of gods and demons, and the characters know that too. The gender-switching process is a technological rather than mystical one, and generally in books like this the process of discovering the technology underlying the religion causes people to lose faith; I loved the way Gardner created characters whose faith is elastic. Early in the book an outsider dismisses the solstice dance as "charming" neo-Paganism, but Fullin responds with:"Everyone knows its not hard to make the gods sound ridiculous. It just takes sarcasm, exaggeration, and a determination to be vulgar. . . But that's kid's stuff. . . After a while, as with most things at thirteen, the memory of how you behaved makes you squirm; even if you know that seasons come from a tilting planet whirling around the sun, the old stories still mean something to you. . . The gods aren't jokes; they're people you walk around with every day. Insulting them is like insulting family."And the religion the characters follow, neo-Pagan or not, artificially constructed or not, is one I can believe keeps the characters warm at night. The solstice dance; the way the Patriarch's Man and the Mocking Priestess balance each other; the whole ritual Hush for Mistress Snow; Gardner shows how those pieces, so easily mocked, bind the community together. It's not a perfect community -- people are people, and every community has its misfits, its damaged souls; and, of course, there is the unsightly scar of the outlawed third choice. And as I mentioned at the beginning, Gardner shaped his world very conveniently so he would not have to address a significant chunk of his characters' identity -- their sexual identity. But my overall experience was one of warmth, and hope, and joy, and I loved that.

"Commitment Hour" by James Alan Gardner explores a special day in the life of Fullin, a resident of Tober Cover. The residents of Tober Cove switch genders from birth until Commitment Day in their twentieth year, when they choose male, female, or both.The story begins the night before Commitment Day, with Fullin and Cappie separately sitting vigil in the surrounding area, attempting to reason out which gender each wants to choose. Two strangers arrive and the world as everyone knows it implodes.The author explores several concepts in the book, such as gender roles and sexual identity, without getting bogged down in either details or answers. He wants the readers to think about these concepts as well, and come to their own answers. I love how each character grows, gains depth as the events unfold. I must admit, two different times towards the end of the book I felt surprised/shocked by what was happening. The events unfolded in a natural way, but there was little foreshadowing. I did not feel like the author cheated. Instead, I think that he did a fantastic job of setting everything up to be surprising without sacrificing credibility.

What do You think about Commitment Hour (1998)?

This novel started strong with an interesting premise and a sudden burst of action that lead into a rather unique and yet familiar world. As the story progressed I found myself interested in the worldbuilding that had developed these strange characters that reminded me of some kind of adult smurfs or the suntots from the TV series The Smoggies but I found myself wondering where was this plot evengoing? Two thirds of the way through the novel I realized that this is actually a brilliant small-scale science fiction story. The arcs are character based and the world-in-peril-plot is something relegated tothe back story but the interpersonal drama that drive these characters make for a really enjoyable science fiction story that concerns itself with the everyday lives of people caught up in their tiny piece of a greater puzzle. I'm definitely curious to read more from this writer. Although the ending was a hopeful one I kept help but wonder what became of that town once the two Fullin's went back to town?

I had read all the books in the Expendables series and was expecting a similar type of book as this is also in the League of Peoples series, but it wasn't. All the Expendables books were set off Earth and featured Festina Ramos, but this one was set on Earth and didn't feature Ramoes. As it wasn't what I expected it took me a little time to get into it.The story is set in less than 24 hours about the coming of age of two characters and the traditions of the small community they live in.Once I got into the book I really enjoyed it and found I couldn't put it down.

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