Full of spelling and grammatical errors, which I found really offputting and the final fight scene really dragged. It's a real shame, since I was really enjoying the story until the last few pages, when it just stopped being engaging. The characters were mostly believable and the story held my interest, but the writing really lets it down. For that reason, I cannot rate this book more than three stars. If you didn't care for the first book, this doesn't sway you much in the other direction. Again, it's a flow issue. It just doesn't feel like the three main parts of the story connected well. I still found Rae to be annoying, albeit less so than in the first book. The first 2/3 of the story was at a basic 3 star - the plot was carrying along and although certain parts seemed overly long, it was still readable. What I felt dragged it down was the last 1/3 that had me going, as Rae might put it, "Say, say?". Characters are re-introduced from the first book throughout the story. It just felt forced in this section. I felt this last section would have worked better as part of a next book. It was too much going on in a single storyline. That part didn't need to be resolved here.
What do You think about Compel (2000)?
Not a fan of the whole zombie inclusion...not sure if I will read the next one.
I looooovvvvveeeee these books brilliant every single one