Since Scourge was apparently skittish where psychological tests were concerned, she took it nice and easy and slowly placed the closed blue box on the desk for him to examine. Scourge reached out and, with shaky fingers, traced the embossed gold lettering. “Thematic Apperception Test for adults.” He crossed and uncrossed his legs. “If this TAT test circumvents my defenses like it’s supposed to, you’ll see all those shameful secrets you think I’m hiding.” “Not to worry. I’m only a psychiatrist, buddy, not Kreskin—and this test is only a tool.” She propped her elbows on her desk. “A tool that may give me insight into your personality, into the way your mind works.” “You have secrets, too, Dr. Clancy. Shameful ones. I can see them in your eyes.” Scourge was merely displaying a classic defense mechanism: projection. He was projecting his own guilt onto her. She knew this, and yet her mind immediately turned to Grace.