She had been able to surprise a lot of her sparring partners with that left hook. Being right handed, it wasn’t common for boxers to have a strong opposing hook. She let the bag take the emotions that were bouncing around in her head. James had held her on the kitchen floor until she had quietly asked to get up to go to the bathroom. She wasn’t angry at James. She was finally starting to understand the full extent of what Devlin had deprived her by kidnapping her and keeping her as an unwilling slave for so long. She had gone to him for solace and he had accepted her with trepidation but gentleness.
She punched the bag as she listed things in her head that he had taken away from her. Things that she had missed out on that normal teenagers would have experienced. Her first kiss. Her first boyfriend. Losing her virginity to someone she was in love with. Graduation. Sneaking out at night to meet her friends or a boy. Learning to drive. First dates. Drinking alcohol underage.