CJ had not let her out of his sight those first few days home from the hospital and insisted that she stay with him so he could take care of her. The doctor had put her temporarily in a sling because he didn’t want her moving the arm around and possibly busting the stitches. He also wanted her to have complete bed rest for a few days because her head had hit the pavement pretty hard when she was attacked. He wanted to make sure no signs of concussion arose. Because of this, she was grateful for CJ’s help because there was very little she could do with just one arm and on pain killers. Fortunately Paden was young and healthy and it wasn’t long until she started feeling better and returned to her house and resumed her regular routine. Rumors had spread like wildfire around the radio station about what happened to her and that made Bob Stanton even more furious for a couple of reasons. First, he hadn’t known that she and CJ were an item. He had remembered seeing how they looked at each other when CJ came in for the interview and he knew she had gone that one evening to The Cat’s Cradle to see the band play.