3.5 starsGood story line, but it felt very rushed and sometimes fake. I understand that some girlfriends have the name calling thing as a jokey affection between them, but this was ridiculous. It made me cringe reading their conversations. Every. Single. Time. On top of that, the author LOVED to use exclaimation points!!!!!!!! When a conversation was going on and it should have been a period at the end of the "I love you", it was an exclaimation point that gave me the visual of yelling. This definitely had a lot of potential, but it was executed in the wrong fashion. Hey Hoochies! I'm Milly, and I am tired of taking kicks to the gut. A broken family, an asshole husband and the loss of loved ones have left me crying Uncle, and declaring a serious case of the Fuck-Its.Yes Cree is hot there is sexy moments but this story is mainly focused on how Millie leaves a terible childhood, marriage and finds all she ever wanted with Cree his daughter Annie a new friend and Cree's sister making them one new united family having lots of fun and girly moments between them. A FUN HOT WITTY AND HUMEROUS READ AND A NICE CHANGE FROM ANY HEAVY DRAMA READS.
What do You think about Cree (2000)?
I really enjoyed this book!!! It was sweet and romantic. Loved Cree and Milly and the gang.
2.5...was really bored and seemed to go lovey dovey really fast.