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Critical - Plot & Excerpts

Critical (2007) 4APRIL 3, 2007 11:25 A.M.Contents -Prev |NextLaurie couldn't remember the last time she had been so keyed up. Moving quickly she left Paul Plodget's office after speaking with him and Edward Gonzales. She'd again hit pay dirt. The first time had been a half-hour earlier with George Fontworth, an ME who'd been with the OCME for almost as long as Arnold and Kevin. He'd provided her with four MRSA cases he'd had over the last three months. And now she'd learned Paul had also seen four MRSA cases over the same time period, and Edward one. Although one of Paul's cases was from Manhattan General, a tragic case of a previously well five-year-old girl who'd developed rapidly fatal necrotizing pneumonia from a boil-like lesion obtained at a local playground, all the others were from an Angels Healthcare hospital. First, there was a Jonathan Wilkinson, who'd died of necrotizing pneumonia after a triple coronary bypass; second was Judith Astor, who died of toxic shock-like syndrome after a facelift; and third was Gordon Stanek, who died of necrotizing pneumonia after a rotator-cuff repair.

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