From your pictures it looks like you are in paradise. Sun, sand, sea, and a kitten…What more do you need? Please explain at your earliest convenience. ColbyCat said: I don’t really know how to explain, because the truth is, you’re right, it is really pretty here. The beaches are nice (except for the rocky ones) and my kitten is adorable (as you can see). I guess, it’s a little more barren and rugged than I usually like, but hey, you can’t have everything, right? Maybe it’s just that paradise is more a state of mind than an actual place? Anonymous said: Interesting…I never thought of it like that. Thanks for explaining. July 18 To: AmandaStar From: ColbyCat Re: !!!!!!!! OMG—R U serious? Levi’s actually really coming here & U gave him my e-mail??? U-R-The-BEST! !!!!!!!!!! Thank U Thank U Thank U! (U sure this is 4 real & UR not messing w/me, right?) Colby July 18 To: NatalieZee From: ColbyCat Re: You’re moving? Hey Nat, Sorry, but I really can’t explain why there was an open house at my home yesterday.