D. M. Ulmer 01 - Silent Battleground - Plot & Excerpts
Ulmer Kindle E-book Glossary1MC: General announcing system with speakers in every compartment. 21MC: Tactical communication system interconnecting the Attack Center, wardroom, captain’s quarters, sonar shack, torpedo room, radio shack and maneuvering. 688 class: Tactical communication system interconnecting the Attack Center, wardroom, captain’s quarters, sonar shack, torpedo room, radio shack and maneuvering. ACC: Attack Control Console, located in the Attack Center, a digital display that enables operator to interact with tactical data to ascertain target bearing, range, course and speed. ADCAP: Attack Control Console, located in the Attack Center, a digital display that enables operator to interact with tactical data to ascertain target bearing, range, course and speed. Akula: Soviet nuclear powered attack submarine. ASW: Anti-submarine warfare. Attack Center: Watch station of the Conning Officer. Here ship’s course, speed, tactical maneuvers and operating depth are initiated and controlled. Baffles: A twenty-degree wide blind spot astern of a submarine obscured by the ship’s hull and radiated noise from the propulsion system. Clear the Baffles: Turning the ship twenty degrees to the right or left to expose the previously masked area to the ship’s sonar. COB: Chief of the Boat. Crew’s Mess: Compartment where enlisted men take their meals.
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