Something about a fight and a car accident at a club. He wouldn’t tell me details, but I knew he was still angry about whatever went down, and he said he probably wouldn’t go back for a while. He was overjoyed that I was moving in with him, and he even told me to leave whatever I left at the Brinkleys, cuz he was buying me all new clothes. Now that made my day. But I wanted to get some pictures I left behind of me and Mama and Nana back when I lived around Wellington Park. There was pictures of Danica, Jamal, Ja’qui, and Jayson, too. Pictures of me in Ebony Fire and old pictures from elementary school. I couldn’t just leave it behind. The pictures reminded me of who I was in the world. Since Jayson wasn’t talking to the Brinkleys much these days, the only way to get the pictures back would be facing them. The day I decided to stop by happened to be a clear sunny day. Not one single cloud in the sky. Flowers had already started blooming in the front yard.