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Read Dangerous Craving

Dangerous Craving

Online Book

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Dangerous Craving - Plot & Excerpts

He could actually feel his canines starting to lengthen. He, who was one hundred and seventy five years old, alpha in nature, and next in line to be Alpha of his pack, had learned to control himself well over a century ago, felt as if he were spinning out of control. Against his better judgment he scooted his chair closer and grasped Nissa’s delicate hand just to convince himself she was real. “Why does someone want to hurt you?”
For a moment she started to pull away but to his relief she relaxed her hand. “I’m not exactly sure. As I’m sure you know, my mother…ah, the queen is supposed to meet with your Council next month to establish a truce between our people.”
He nodded and tightened his hold, rubbing his thumb over the pulse point of her wrist. It thumped wildly against his skin. “I don’t know the details but my Alpha—my father—told me about the meeting. He’ll be attending.”
“My mother is sick and she doesn’t have much time left. I’m next in line so I’ll likely be the one to sign the peace treaty.”

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