Daring To Trust The Boss (Harlequin Romance) - Plot & Excerpts
The weekend came, and, glad for two days off, she did nothing but read. On Monday morning, she woke with a headache and by the time she got out of the shower she was so dizzy she could barely stand. Racing out the door, Laura Beth told her to take the day off. Heading into the shower, Eloise agreed. So she unwound her towel and walked to the dresser for clean pajamas. Almost too tired to lift them out of the drawer, she struggled to get the top over her head and the bottom pulled up to her waist. Exhausted, she fell face first on her bed. Vaguely, she heard the sound of Eloise leaving for that day’s interview but that was her last conscious thought. * * * At twenty till ten, Tucker Engle sat at his desk staring at the phone. He had no idea why Olivia hadn’t come into the office today but he had one of those sneaking suspicions she’d told him about. She was quitting.
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