Yes... Rachaela too got up. ‘I’ll go with you, Ruth.’ Ruth stood still, docile from the years of casual obedience. Anna said, ‘She knows the way, Rachaela.’ ‘I’m sure she does. But I’d like to watch the piano lesson.’ All about the room the Scarabae faintly stirred, like leaves in a light breeze. Dorian poised with a chess knight in his fingers. Alice had seemingly dropped a stitch. ‘It may put Ruth off her playing,’ said Stephan from the empty hearth. ‘A young girl. She hasn’t been learning very long.’ ‘Of course not,’ said Rachaela. ‘I’m her mother.’ A sigh appeared to go over them. ‘Naturally then,’ said Anna. Ruth turned and went towards the doorway, but not quickly as on the previous night, allowing Rachaela time to follow. Out in the hall, where Ruth’s lips blended into the ruby lamplight, Rachaela said, ‘Do you like the lessons?’ ‘Oh yes,’ said Ruth, ‘How do you get on with him?’ Rachaela asked mundanely.