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Read Dark Fathoms (2013)

Dark Fathoms (2013)

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Dark Fathoms (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

“You know, this isn’t really bad, all things considered,” Mildred said between bites of a piece of wafer-thin dried seaweed. “But it’ll never replace eggs, bacon and buttered grits with a side of sourdough toast.”
    “Got that right in one,” Ryan said, trying to muster up the enthusiasm to finish his grilled swordfish steak and seaweed-and-kelp salad. “Can’t wait to get back on the surface and go hunt up some real meat.”
    “Ricky joining us this morning?” J.B. asked between bites of his soft-shelled crab.
    “Found him in maintenance,” Jak grunted. “Fell asleep there working on suit.”
    “Didn’t you wake him up?” Krysty asked.
    The albino shrugged. “Tried.”
    The Armorer allowed himself a small smile. “Figures. I’ll go roust him after breakfast.”
    “Anyone see Doc this morning?” Ryan asked.

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