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Read Dark Illusion: A Psychological Thriller Novel

Dark Illusion: A Psychological Thriller Novel

Online Book

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Dana V. Moison

Dark Illusion: A Psychological Thriller Novel - Plot & Excerpts

As the icy wind engulfed her, she curled into her woolen scarf so that only her turquoise-colored eyes remained visible peeping out.
The smirking umbrella vendors were the only remaining evidence of the rain that had assaulted the city just moments ago. Sharon barely noticed any puddles. A harmless drizzle, she thought to herself, looking at all the agitated tourists who didn’t know what to do with their newly purchased umbrellas.
It took her a few minutes to grow accustomed to the frosty air. If she hadn’t been right in the middle of solving a murder case, she would have walked home. Central Park was only a few steps away, but Sharon had to settle for a quick glance. Her picnic would have to be postponed for another time.
The slightest drops of rain on her shoulder caused Sharon to quicken her pace toward the subway. She spotted the yellow letters on the black sign pointing to the stairs leading underground, but then her eyes lit up as she spotted a Dunkin' Donuts. Sharon veered off course and walked in, indulging in the heavenly smell.

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