Dark Night: Episode 2 (The Darkest Nights Series) - Plot & Excerpts
They were going to transfer me to the school in Florida. I took a shower and wore a robe and when I walked out of the restroom I spotted an outfit lying on the bed. So I thought it was safe to assume they wanted me to wear it. It was a skirt and it was certainly beautiful with the black and silver pearls around the waist line. It fit me perfect. I put on a silver tank top that felt silky and was shiny and on top of that I wore cardigan that was also black but it was really nice. The skirt had a pocket and while I was fixing it, in it I found a note: "Take care of the uniform, it is one of many. I hope you like it. Check the closet by the dresser you will find a selection of shoes. You may take everything with you when you leave. It is all yours. –Isabelle" When I checked the closet out what I saw I will never forget. "Oh. My. God." There were at least fifteen pairs of shoes. I looked at each one and fell in love with them all. From Gucci to Chanel, Dolce & Gabana, Louis Vuitton.
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