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Read Darkness Comes This Way (2012)

Darkness Comes This Way (2012)

Online Book

3.87 of 5 Votes: 2
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1475221479 (ISBN13: 9781475221473)

Darkness Comes This Way (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I thought this book was great. The storyline of Guardian and Rogue Vampires is quite interesting with Zarah the kick ass main character a reformed Rogue with no idea how or why it happened. There are several strong supporting characters such as her brother, the crazy team leader Nathaniel who brought her back to the Guardians when she was "cured" from being a rogue, and a Guardian Draven, that she is paired up with even though Zarah and Draven can't stand each other. It has a fast pace and plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing what will happen next especially with the Fallen Angels, an enemy of both vampire races, introduced to the mix. I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book. It's hard to give an unbiased review of this book, since I know and absolutely adore the author. But, because I know she wouldn't ever want me to sugar-coat it, I'll try. Flaws and all.Darkness Comes This Way is one of those rare good books to come out in recent years about vampires. Strong plotline, likeable characters (especially Thomas, Zarah's rogue brother) and a ton of action. It's easily readable, and you'll find yourself wanting to know what happens next at the end of every chapter. You'll also have the satisfaction of knowing you're supporting an author who isn't well-known, and how much do we all love that? Like being part of some awesomely exclusive club.Now, I'll be honest; there were times in this book, especially toward the beginning, where the lack of a real editor was more apparent. That's the rub of self-publishing; there are no professionals to guide your hand with the hard parts, or to suggest a rewording of a few phrases. For better or for worse, it's all you. I feel like Pixie Lynn Whitfield is just as good as those signed to major publishing labels - and certainly better than some - but was just unlucky enough to not have a strong editor backing her. Still, she does an impressive job all on her own.That said, the writing gets stronger as the pages go along, and the ending leaves you dying for the next enstallment in this trilogy. A book definitely worth reading, and not just to support an unknown author, or words uttered by a loyal friend. It's good on its own merits. You'll just have to pick up a copy to see for yourself.

What do You think about Darkness Comes This Way (2012)?

The way the characters spoke was too formal to be believable.

Currently reading. To be reviewed soon.

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