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Read Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord

Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord

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New Independence Books

Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord - Plot & Excerpts

“Oh, I will be in so much trouble, but it was worth it just to see the look on her ladyship’s face,” she told Cook as she stumbled over to a rectangular-shaped table where the cook and Mary—the scullery maid—enjoyed a cup of tea.
“You let your temper out, didn’t you, dear?” Cook poured a fresh cup of tea and slid it toward Clarice as she dropped into a chair. “I keep telling you it’ll do no good. One of these days her ladyship won’t be pleased. If she hates you enough, she’ll do something drastic. Remember poor Jenny Vart.”
How could anyone forget the mousy little upstairs maid who had been in the Drummond employ until two months ago? She’d had the unfortunate luck to break one of the baubles in Lady Drummond’s dressing room, and after being dressed down quite severally, was fired on the spot.
“Don’t worry about me, duck. Lady Drummond already dislikes me, and she wouldn’t dare turn me out. I know a few secrets she’d be loath to have leaked. Besides, who will do the distasteful tasks her ladyship despises?”

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