Daughter Of Asteria (The Daughter Trilogy) - Plot & Excerpts
I roll my eyes, and Deacon quickly pops into the conversation. “Gemma has proven herself since. She’s just as dedicated to this as anyone else.” Jace rolls his eyes, and the currents swirling his body creep back in. Gemma’s vines turn back into the harmless tulips in the small pot. It’s amazing at the life she can bring to such a small plant, but then again, she’s a goddess - a dangerous goddess. I’m just as worried as Jace for my safety around her, but I can’t say that aloud. “I think Camara’s right. It’s starting to sound like Devin’s the son of Helios instead of that guy,” Jace growls while motioning to Hale. “And now we’re back to dissing me,” Hale pouts. Devin doesn’t smirk like I expect. He actually acts a little disappointed by that assessment. “I never meant to do this to anyone. I never knew how bad it could hurt to love and lose until I met Adisia. If I had known, I wouldn’t have been so cruel in my dismissals,” he almost mumbles. Gemma’s eyes water and I feel as though she’s gotten the closest thing to an apology she’ll ever get.
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