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Read Daughter Of Witches (1987)

Daughter of Witches (1987)

Online Book

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0441138993 (ISBN13: 9780441138999)

Daughter Of Witches (1987) - Plot & Excerpts

Sometime between the ages of 12 and 16 I read a book that had something to do with a teenage girl in an icy world who was able to channel an internal fire--maybe something to do with underground fires--I can't remember. She and a male companion are banished or lost or something and at some point I think she uses this power to save him. I've been trying to find this book for ages. I think it was probably written during the early 90s. Anyway, in my quest to find this book, I posted a stumper on loganberry and it was suggested that this was the book. I didn't recognize the cover, but the description sounded right, so I read it. And it's not the book. Some parts seemed vaguely familiar, but I think that it's because this is a pretty formulaic YA fantasy novel. Not my favorite genre, and I certainly wouldn't have finished it if I hadn't been trying to figure out if it was the book I was looking for. Also, I paid $8 for it, so I felt a certain obligation. I probably would have enjoyed this book when I was 13. Oh, well, the quest continues.

The second book of Lyra series, the first series from Patricia Wrede as far as I know.Although in series, the story in this book is not a sequel to the first one, and actually had little to do with it, except being in the same world (not even the same Kingdom). To compare the writing with the first book, the story is more engaging for me and flown better. Still haven't found the Wrede writings I've enjoyed in her later books, but nonetheless entertaining.This is the first time I read Wrede wrote something not entirely appropriate for early teen. In other books I read, she was always very subtle for the romance part. Practically did not write about frisson or special feelings, except for worrying over someone. But in this book, although just in one paragraph, she wrote about a horrible marriage consummation for sacrificed girl.

What do You think about Daughter Of Witches (1987)?

I came across this in Patricia Wrede's list of books, and remembered that I read it in high school. I remember it being so-so. It just didn't seem super-original to me, though that may reflect the time it was written- in the 1980's when feminist flavored fantasy was newer, and fantasy in general was evolving from pulpy sword & sorcery type books (a la Conan the Barbarian) What I mean by the feminist flavor is the theme of witches being depicted as good, and being persecuted by the Eeevil Patriarchy. (particularly priests- no not an analog for the Catholic Church/Christianity at all, right?) For better books by Patricia, check out her Dealing with Dragons series. They make fun of fairy tale cliches, while having original plots/characters.

In Stephen King's book "On Writing", he talks about that one point in every writer's career, where he/she comes across a published book/story and is seized by a realization - an epiphany, if you like. That epiphany is, "I can write better than this!"For me, that came with reading this book.While not a terrible book, the characters were a little flat and cliche, the plot was predictable, and the writing was mediocre, at best. I still firmly believe that with enough time and effort, I could write something equal to this.

Fun read with lots of action and engaging characters - this is a great sort of summer, fantasy read. Not quite as much depth of emotion or character as I normally like. But I decided that sometimes an easy, fun read is just the ticket. And Patricia Wrede does that exceptionally. Especially in the fantasy genre where I feel like there aren't a lot of well written, lighter books. Or if there are I haven't found them. And maybe light isn't quite the right description for this book which definitely has its dark spots but they're handled discreetly enough and lend an air of seriousness that works for this story. Even with that, though, it's an easy read and the pacing is great.

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