Watching him hang up, his face drained of color, Yuri knew he was afraid to state what had occurred. Initially, Dmitri had been giddy with his accomplishment of the car-hack mission. After executing the previous hacking operation, Yuri had opted to remain with Vlad, leaving Dmitri in charge. After all, the mission profile was the same, down to the location. In effect, the first one had been a rehearsal for Dmitri, and Yuri knew the greater threat was the head of the FSB misreading something that had occurred. Being near him was more critical. Yuri had relayed the success from the initial phone call, and Vlad had demanded an in-person debriefing, wanting more information on the team of Americans. When Dmitri had entered the small office of the casino, he’d gone through the same gamut of emotions that Yuri had upon recognizing Vlad. Obsequious, he’d begun the debrief in a halting, jerky manner, clearly intimidated.